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Although ENWORKS does not have control over the content of external sources of information you may find some of these links useful.


Tools and Resources

Although ENWORKS does not have control over the content of external sources of information you may find some of these links useful:

  • Carbon Trust 'Empower' - a free tool to help office workers commit to making carbon and cost savings at work, through online tutorials, virtual tours, a quiz and other interactive elements (requires registration).
  • Resource Efficiency Questionnaire - a free and confidential questionnaire from the Environment Agency that generates a report on your business's environmental performance, with advice for how to make improvements.
  • CIWM Waste Management Courses - information on the Chartered Institution of Wastes Management short course on waste management. Contact your local ENWORKS partner for details of free environmental courses in your area.
  • Business Resource Efficiency Hub - a range of practical advice, tools and guides from WRAP on how businesses can save money and increase resource efficiency.
  • Waste Hierarchy Guidance - 14-page business guide from Defra, on how to apply the 'waste hierarchy' approach to waste management, in line with EU and UK legislation.
  • Enhanced Capital Allowances (ECAs) - information about 100% first-year capital allowances for businesses investing in environmentally-friendly equipment.
  • Energy Efficiency Loans - information about eligibility for loans from the Carbon Trust and Siemens Financial Services, of up to £1,000, to help your business invest in energy-saving projects.
  • Permits and Licenses - the Environment Agency provide advice and guidance for checking that your business is compliant with the latest environmental legislation.
  • WRAP administer the Waste Prevention Loan Fund, offering capital loans of between £100,000 and £1 million for viable, reuse or repair business ideas across any material stream.
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